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How much is UFO gaming worth?

The price of UFO Gaming (UFO) is $0.000000833207 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $155,055.03. This represents a 1.81% price increase in the last 24 hours and a -1.68% price decline in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 26 Trillion UFO, UFO Gaming is valued at a market cap of $21,402,491 . Where can you buy UFO Gaming?

How much will a UFO coin cost in 2022?

According to the UFO coin price prediction from CoinCodex based on technical analysis, as of 17 August, the coin price could increase by 30.83% to reach $0.000006807 by 24 August 2022. Meanwhile, algorithm-based forecasters gave mixed long-term UFO crypto price predictions.

Is UFO a cryptocurrencies?

In contrast to Plasma Points, UAP can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies like UFO. All UFO has been launched without pre-mines or pre-sales and is 100% community-owned. 50% was added to the Uniswap liquidity pool and 50% was burned on TGE. The total supply of UFO is 51.5 trillion. How Is the UFO Gaming Network Secured?

How many UFO tokens are there?

According to the official tokenomics, the total supply of UFO tokens is 25,757,575,757,575, and the circulating supply stands at 25,757.58B UFO. UFO Gaming (UFO) is now trading at around $0.00003048, as of Dec. 16, 2021. Its 24-hour trading volume on exchanges is around $20,982,931.

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